Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday, 6th February, 2018 4.30 pm (Item 61.)


Members received a report providing information regarding the Council’s revenue budget for 2018/19 which would form the basis of setting the Council Tax. The Cabinet were therefore asked to recommend to Full Council that the budget be agreed at the Council meeting on 28 February 2018. 


It was noted that there were no substantial changes to the budget arising from the Autumn Statement. However, since the December meeting of the Cabinet a few amendments had been made to the budget which included a 2% pay award to staff based on the offer made by the Joint Staffing Committee; 20% increase in planning fees (agreed by the Government in January); the creation of Economic Development team, and other changes. The effect of these changes on the budget was minimal and represented a £34,000 change in net cost of services.


A 3% increase in Council Tax was proposed which would result in the district proportion of Council Tax being increased to £180.88 for a Band D property. Reference was made to the medium term financial strategy which set out the financial challenges to the Council in medium term. Overall the situation was manageable but there was a continued need to reduce costs by delivering key projects that would increase income and reduce costs. The key financial risks were noted along with the proposed level of reserves earmarked to mitigate those risks. The reserves had also been reviewed by the Support Service Policy Advisory Group and the proposals were adjusted accordingly. It was confirmed that the Council would have the suggested prudent level of general reserves of £900,000.


The Cabinet expressed thanks to all officers involved in this year’s budget challenge process, and the Head of Finance in particular. The Council had done a lot of work over the last 5 years to put itself in the best position possible to face the continued financial challenges in the future. The Leader then expressed thanks to the Deputy Leader for his work in developing this year’s draft budget.




Revenue Budget 2018/19


1.      1. That the Revenue budget for 2018/19 be approved, as summarised in the table in paragraph 4.15.


2.      2. That the following use of earmarked reserves for 2018/19 be agreed:


- Local Development Plan £240,000

- Planning Digitalisation £95,000

- Economic Development Reserve £58,000


3.      3. That the following additions to earmarked reserves for 2018/19 be agreed:


- Capital - Funding replacement refuse vehicles £394,000

- Capital - Funding of capital programme £631,000

- Elections £20,000


4.      4. That a budget requirement of £10,493,000 which will result in a District council tax of £180.88 for a Band D property be agreed.


5.      5. That the level of fees and charges for 2018/19 (Appendix C) be confirmed.


6.      6. That the advice of the Director of Resources (Appendix A) be noted.




Setting the Council Tax


7. That this report be made available to all Members of the Council in advance of the Council Tax setting meeting on 28th February, and a final report is produced for the Council meeting incorporating the information from preceptors, and the final decisions of the Cabinet on the budget.


Medium Term Financial Strategy


8. To note the comments in the report on the Council’s financial position in respect of the years following 2018/19 and the updated Medium Term Forecast.

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